- 2000 • Shirley W. James, for her almost 40 years of studying community issues, and developing coalitions of everyday citizens and elected leaders to bring about a better Evansville, and for her tenacity in over coming obstacles that would have stopped many of us from accomplishing worthy goals
- 1999 • R. Scott Anderson, for his visionary and successful efforts to save and revitalize many of downtown Evansville’s aging treasures. And for his adaptive reuse of those buildings, assuring us that they will be there for future generations of Evansvillians.
- 1998 • Frank F. McDonald II, for his leadership and many lasting contributions to the City of Evansville as its mayor and First Citizen, and for using his office as a “Bully Pulpit” to benefit community organizations too numerous to mention.
- 1997 • H. Lee Cooper, for his 30 years of dedicated leadership through the Evansville area’s leading community institutions, for his key roles in helping launch the Vanderburgh Community Foundation, Leadership Evansville and Youth Resources of Southwestern Indiana, and for leading his company to the top of its industry.
- 1996 • Howard and Carol Abrams, for their leadership in business, civic and volunteer work, for their caring concern to make Evansville an even better city, for their gracious, yet dynamic and always helpful demeanor, and for their warm, creative and caring approach to fulfilling their responsibilities to their family, city and occupation.
- 1995 • Robert R.C. Miller, for his consistent pattern of enthusiastic dedication to his family, his alma mater, his occupation, and his community, and for helping everyone he touches to strive to become champions.
- 1994 • John H. Schroeder, for his dedicated leadership in meeting the needs of higher education and an almost incredible lifetime of contributions to his family, his business, his industry, his city and his country.
- 1993 • Carolyn S. Georgette, for her significant achievements and contributions to the Evansville business and residential community during her 40 year professional and civic career.
- 1992 • Dan W. Mitchell, for his many years of service to his community, his company, his family and to Rotary, and especially for his great service to the University of Evansville and The Rehabilitation Center in Evansville.
- 1991 • Robert L. Koch II, for his appreciation of the need to strengthen the public and private educational system at all levels, for his tireless research in developing data that has helped State and Federal Leaders support education initiatives; and for his personal involvement in engendering International trade in the area business community.