- 1960 • Mr. Richard E. Meier and Mr. Fred C. Newman, for sparking a new hope and spirit to achieve the acceptance of all facets of our community on a program of development of our economic future.
- 1959 • Col. Marvin J. Evans, in recognition of many years of dedicated community service, and in particular for his successful conduct of the 1959 United Fund Drive.
- 1958 Mr. Melvin W. Hyde, for his boundless energy to benefit the welfare of Evansville as chairman of the Community Industry Survey, which was responsible for the Fantus Study, and as first president of the Foundation for Evansville’s Future.
- 1957 • Mr. D. Mead Johnson, for his dynamic recognition of the obligations of corporate and individual citizenship, his demonstrated faith in the future of Evansville and his leadership and example in all worthy movements for community betterment.
- 1956 • Mr. A. B. Brown, for his great service in bringing Alcoa to this community.
- 1955 • Mr. O. H. Roberts, Jr., for his great contribution to the improvement of education in the Public Schools, not only in Evansville, but statewide and nationally, through his leadership and guidance in organizations dedicated to this purpose.
- 1954 • Mr. Kenneth C. Kent, whose deep sense of personal responsibility and obligation to his home town has made him one of its greatest benefactors in leadership and effort for community betterment.
- 1953 • Dr. Paul D. Crimm, for is years of leadership in medicine and public work, as a pioneer in chest surgery and tuberculosis research, as a public administrator, friend to the sick, citizen of the community and state, and leader in many fields of community endeavor.
- 1952 • Mr. H. A.Woods, in recognition of unceasing and outstanding service to his fellowmen and his community, which has been committed with enthusiasm, modesty and unselfishness.
- 1951 • None